Thursday, April 26, 2007

is it just me or you too?

Don’t you wish you could just get out of bed every day, put your feet on the floor and stand up without any aches and pains in your body?
Then when you leave the house you don’t find any trash on your yard from the neighbors partying teen age daughters. Then when you get into your car you get to where you gotta go without any incidents.
When you get to work it would be nice that the boss isn’t a prick and harasses you for every little nit picking thing you do or don’t do or haven’t gotten to yet. And when even if he is wrong you know he has to be right. But when the shit hits the fan he blames you for his screw ups.
When you get home your kids have done their homework and are ready for bed. That would be a dream. Why isn’t there enough time in the day to get all the things done that you have to. So now you spend all your time that you are not at work doing all the other stuff for everyone else in your life. Why is so hard for a woman to change a freakin light bulb? Why cant you sit in shul without being harassed by the collectors? Why don’t we ever have enough money to pay all the bills.
Is it just the kvetcher or is it you too?


At Thursday, April 26, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it seems that we all have these problems

At Tuesday, May 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband comes home the kid is asleep. I change the light bulb myself I never wait for him though he is very handy. But so am I..

Stop kvetching and do something about it. Tell your wife what you want or like and vice versa..Maybe something can be worked out...

You are such a sourpuss...Think Happy Thoughts

At Thursday, August 30, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

teenage daughters peeking in your trash?by teenage daughter do u mean skunks or somthing or do the girls were you come from disguis themselves as nocturnal beasts

At Saturday, July 26, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your honest moniker says it all. i'm not just saying this to snipe, but after reading all your blog entries, i think it's mostly you. you seem to be frustrated with or look down on everyone, particularly other jews who do not observe in the same manner as you. you tend to lapse into a kind of self-righteousness that appears somewhat defensive in nature. unless your online persona is quite different from the way you are in real life, i can't imagine you are a joy to live with or near most of the time. perhaps other's reactions to the way you come across feed into what you percieve as others' malevolence toward you.

At Saturday, July 26, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

will the above post infuriate you because i left it on shabbas?

or will you discount it because i am not a jew?


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