Black or Blue and White
“Eish al machanahu v’eish al diglu” Bamidbar 1:52
Each man in his camp according to his banner. Forgive me for saying this, but the last time the Jews were collectively under one banner or color was when they all wore yellow stars. It really didn’t matter where you came from or what you believed in you pretty much were the same.
It is not like that anymore. In some of the circles that I traveled in when I was single certain questions were asked about a person when looking for a prospective mate. For example, does the boy keep shabbos, kosher or put on tfillin everyday? Does the girl want to cover her hair or go to the mikvah? It may seem silly to ask these things but these are real issues at hand. Not like the color of the table cloth on the table.
However, now days it seems more and more one defines his religious affiliation by the flag he flies. I am not even talking about the type of hat, up or down, the color of the shirt the length of the skirt. I mean the real flag. The one with one star and a few stripes.
More and more people are defining their religion based on the flag of the state of Israel. If it is in the school they are one type of Jew. If a person buys an Israel bond they consider that being a good Jew. On one such encounter I noticed that the Israeli flag was in a union hall of workers in New York City. I inquired about it and was told the jewish members were having a meeting tonight. I asked what does the flag of the government of Israel have to do with being a jew in America. If the Pakistani members had a meeting would they have the flag with a 7-11 on it for the meeting?
My point is has this object of blue and white clouded the reality of so many people as to what it should mean? It is found in almost all non chareidi schools all over the world. It is such a defining object of who people are they tend to forget that there was real religion 58 years ago.