Are we our own worst Enemies
Why is it that when a Heimisher or a yeshivisher shows up in a neighborhood that is mostly made up of Modern Orthodox (for what ever does that mean?), the first thing that is uttered is “There goes the neighborhhood.”
Is it some kind of defense mechanism that the MO’s put on because they are embarrassed about the way they behave and conduct their lives? Are they jealous that the true ben Torah has restraint and self control?
I have found that in many cases when a neighborhood starts to change to the right wing element, the MO s get nuts and look for every reason to find fault with the Chareidi for no other reason than to justify their own existence. For example, the frummie walking home from shul on shabbos passes a shul of Mos. Most of the mos are hanging out side of the shul and davening isn’t even over yet. They are loud and boisterous and barely dressed for shabbos. As the frummie walks by, he can sense all eyes on him and snickering in the air. Here’s the clincher, the Mos get pissed off to the heavens because the frummie didn’t say “Good shabbos”. Go figure that out.
Now in the same shul it is Sunday morning, the Chassidim are carpooled in to the neighborhood to collect tzedaka. The Mos again snicker and get pissed that a smelly 18th century Jew is invading their space. Oh when Mos mother is in the hospital, satmar Bikur Cholim shows up and it’s a G-dsend. Go figure.
When are the Mos going to get the picture that they need to live and let live. I was going to the park one shabbos and saw some Mos in shorts and tshirts playing ball. They got insulted cause I didn’t say good shabbos. Well if I knew you were a jew maybe I would have acknowledged them. You are mad at me? Look at yourselves, just think if you went to greet a queen of a country, would you dress that way? So how about the Shabbos queen shouldn’t she get a royal coronation too?
The funny thing is that there are actually Mo rabbis who needed to establish a collective organization to justify their existence. Well it shut down a few weeks ago. So much for modern orthodoxy, what ever does that mean?